Feb 20, 2009

Spring is in the Air...and Other Musings...

We have had gorgeous weather this week! It's hard to stay inside on beautiful days like this:) I am so thankful that we've remained healthy (knock on wood) when there is so much flu/strep/lice outbreaks/stomach viruses going around all around us. I'm sure our time is coming, but this week, it was a blessing to be healthy:) Monday, we met up with some of our friends at the Buda park and the kids were able to play with friends that go to different schools and they don't get to play with often. We brought scooters and just let the kids run free! Wednesday is the day I watch Lusia and so we went to playgroup with our snacks. The weather was perfect but I did get a little too much sun and my face paid the price....Ouch! After we came home, we watered the grass and the girls played in the front garden. They found all these little snail shells and thought they were so cool. Also unearthed was an unlucky earthworm and a cricket that was just a little too slow. Poor things, they started out wriggly and full of life, but by the time the girls were through with them, I could detect no movement from our captive creatures:(

Today, we are going shopping for a carpet steamer so that I may begin my battle with our white, yes white, carpet. I HATE, loathe, detest carpeting in the house. If I had my way, I would rip up every stitch and live on bare concrete floors until I could afford wood throughout the house. Since this is a rental, I have no such option, so the next best thing is to steam the heck out of the carpet I'm stuck with. Dirty carpet is my pet peeve and I cannot rest if I see a spot. Worn areas in the pile drive me nuts too, so I have a method for combating that (an intensive process involving a steel bristle brush). I really hate it....and why does it have to be white???!!!! Ok Ok, carpet rant over...(for now)!

Anyway, I'm so glad it's Friday...I hope to be able to find someone to watch the kiddos so that I can go to the cannery in the morning, but it's looking pretty hopeless. I have limited resources when it comes to finding people to watch my kids and I harldly ever ask, but I really want to go tomorrow. The usual people I ask are either vacationing in Cancun or have a semi-lice scare going on in their house. Randy has to work Mardi Gras, it's mandatory (of course) and the only family we have to ask has to travel an hour to get here, but it doesn't matter anyway, because they are busy. Seriously, it's pretty frustrating! I can't wait until Jordan can demonstrate to me that he is responsible enough to watch his siblings for an extended period of time (longer than 30 minutes), but as of now, I just don't feel comfortable leaving them here when I'm so far away, and Lesley is not even home to keep an eye on the house or for the kids to run to if there is trouble. Oh well!!

SO, I am off to enjoy the weather with my two daughters, grocery shop, and to compare the features of various carpet steamers, I'm just glad it's finally the weekend...laissez les bons temps rouler!!!!!!!!!


Jen said...

Ah man, I wish I could help you out. Although you probably don't want your kids in the plague house! ;) Hugs!!!

Sally Blackburn said...

Misty, you could ask me to keep your kids once in while, too! Although we were gone to S.A. today ourselves tot the temple... but SOMETIME you could ask.

LaSchelle and Kurt said...

Wish I was there to enjoy the weather with you! :-(