Jun 10, 2009

Summer is here!!

Finally school is out!! We have been so busy, I have been looking forward to this for awhile. I have my little brother with me for the week and so have lots of fun stuff planned. We have gone shopping, to the movies, and swimming....I think tomorrow we will go down to SeaWorld for the day, and maybe cap the week of with a round or two of paintball before he goes home on Saturday. (Jordan wanted to play paintball for his birthday, it's this weekend). Next week is Noah's cub scout day camp, followed closely by Jordan's week long boy scout camp after which I leave for a week to go be a leader for girls' camp. Who says summer is a break? BUUUUTTTTTTT.........I DO have one thing to help get me through, later this summer we leave for our family vacation, and it involves going somewhere I've always dreamed of going.....we are all SO excited....I'll give you a hint.......

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Enjoy Sea World for me -- today I will be painting and cleaning...